Ghent Masters Western All Breed (invite only)

24/02/24 - 24/02/04

Start lists

Start-list: OPEN - Ranch Riding Open

Judge: Helga Hommel
Number of entries: 9
# Start no Horse Exhibitor
1 109 Imagine A Good Life Holthuijsen Kevin
2 121 RS Renoir Olena Goossens Jessy
3 118 Im Berry Easy Welten Yvonne
4 124 Alexis Differance Vervloet Kim
5 110 Wrap and Roll Compagnie Ellen
6 108 Ima sensational mover Holthuijsen Charlotte
7 103 ITS Different Blixa Verboom Silke
8 112 Hellboy Smoke Dpqp Belot Muriel
9 122 MG Whispers Olenagun Van Cauwenberghe Virginie