# | Start no | Horse | Exhibitor | Est start time |
1 | 213 | Dontzipalexisbluebar | Van Rijthoven Nicole | 17:50 |
2 | 151 | Star John Pride | Durand Ludovic | 17:54 |
3 | 258 | Zip me in Wisely | Suijker Fraukje | 17:58 |
4 | 142 | VS Double Flatline | Filland Pascal | 18:02 |
5 | 137 | Wrap and Roll | Compagnie Ellen | 18:06 |
6 | 196 | Only Travel Dream | Lambot Kamille | 18:10 |
7 | 216 | Whata Lady Whiz | Ekkart Caroline | 18:14 |
8 | 107 | Im a Cowboy ForYou | Menaud Sophie | 18:18 |
9 | 237 | KM Shes the One | Lescrenier Laurence | 18:22 |
10 | 184 | Best ride yet | Goossens Jessy | 18:26 |
11 | 227 | Chic be invited ld | De Potter Ludovic | 18:30 |
12 | 102 | The Beat Lives On | Armand Maia | 18:34 |
13 | 159 | Anna Stars Original | Toubon Sixtine | 18:38 |
14 | 109 | VS In Blue Jeans | Ducarouge Amandine | 18:42 |
15 | 130 | Badgers Lucky Boots | Barkey Robyn | 18:46 |
16 | 140 | Happy du pont de Gau | Cascarino Ludivine | 18:50 |
17 | 106 | TJ Spirit Fairy May | Schmit-Poupart Sandra | 18:54 |
18 | 149 | Ima Supreme Mover | Remmers Janice | 18:58 |
19 | 143 | Ultimate GoodRide | Madani Nadia | 19:02 |
20 | 176 | June Lady Stellario | Lapierre Théo | 19:06 |
21 | 205 | Stars Hunting Gold | Vercammen Laura | 19:10 |
22 | 241 | Zippos Frozen Lady | van Loon Marina | 19:14 |
23 | 120 | TL Sunday in Berlin | Wingenroth Kathrin | 19:18 |
24 | 104 | I Am With You | Cousina Caroline | 19:22 |
25 | 152 | Line up For Blue | Durand Ludovic | 19:26 |
26 | 256 | Lazy at the bar | Detry Maud | 19:30 |
27 | 182 | Lopin Out Loud | Maras Ludovic | 19:34 |
28 | 131 | Legendary Investment | Lebrun Mélanie | 19:38 |
29 | 209 | Only Sleepy Machien | Helsen Gitte | 19:42 |
30 | 111 | NF Peptos Thor Olena | Dankers Emma | 19:46 |
31 | 164 | Indira Gun It Mcf | Marcet Lily | 19:50 |
32 | 127 | My Dreams Come Blue | Lemort Virginie | 19:54 |
33 | 188 | Sweet machine made | Van Aken Alessia | 19:58 |
34 | 108 | First Sacred Choice | Varrier Nathan | 20:02 |
35 | 183 | Remember My Name | Maras Christine | 20:06 |
36 | 159 | Anna Stars Original | Chene Coralie | 20:10 |
37 | 112 | Whip Cream Machine | Van Looy Melissa | 20:14 |
38 | 180 | Justwatchalexis Lena | Verheyen Famke | 20:18 |
39 | 207 | Crystals Clear Shine | Deeren Anne-Marie | 20:22 |
40 | 244 | Only Top Edition | De Deyne Patrick | 20:26 |
41 | 103 | Sense of Time | Langou Quentin Karine | 20:30 |
42 | 245 | Belgian Chocolate | de Burlet Emma | 20:34 |
43 | 165 | Blue Jean Babey | Millat Carus Anne Sophie | 20:38 |
44 | 185 | Select by Flatline | Goossens Jessy | 20:42 |
45 | 127 | My Dreams Come Blue | Deschenes Guylaine | 20:46 |
46 | 117 | Watch My Good Credit | Pre Monique | 20:50 |
47 | 103 | Sense of Time | Chene Coralie | 20:54 |
48 | 115 | Camérone de la Ste-Fontaine | Debecker Hanne | 20:58 |
49 | 236 | CB GoodCharmingWilly | Robert Jean-philippe | 21:02 |
50 | 222 | LT Sweet King | Remmers Janice | 21:06 |
51 | 203 | Bueno Stole My Heart | Van Gansen Nele | 21:10 |
52 | 233 | LT Excited Destene | Remmers Janice | 21:14 |
53 | 169 | Zip Me In My P Jays | Van Rompaey Iris | 21:18 |
54 | 116 | Justa radical impuls | Vertongen Veronique | 21:22 |
55 | 177 | Estralla Travellegacy | Detraux Marie Laure | 21:26 |
56 | 173 | As Cool As I Feel | Pen Jade | 21:30 |
57 | 223 | Made by a kiss | Meyen Alessia | 21:34 |
58 | 155 | Lil SouthernQuestion | Lecrane Anais | 21:38 |
59 | 239 | Made for a Goodride | De Pestel Jodie | 21:42 |
60 | 197 | Justa Glowing Spark | Vertongen Veronique | 21:46 |